Thursday, October 12, 2006

Animating takes a looooong time...

Begining to get nervous here... Animating Lucy in the first dream sequence is hellish. The scene is 1200 frames long... I started by animating just her body, legs and head, perfecting the keys and breakdowns (all on stepped). I then proceeded to animate Lucy's layer 2, which is her arms and the teddy's body and head. The last layer is polishing the arcs and animating the secondary-secondary (tertiary) motion of the teddy's arms and ears. Then I'll animated homie's reactions, which shouldn't take me more than a week. Then it's splining time. I estimated it would take me 4 weeks, but I think with all the midterms coming up it would take me around 5, not including hair/cloth. That leaves me around 6 more weeks for the second dream sequence. Overall I'd say I'm a bit behind, which worries me a little.

I had some trouble with parent constraining the puppet to the girl's hands, since I never used parent constraints before, but I figured it out eventually. Also, there's a presentation for my department next friday, which slows work down a little bit, but it's good to stay on par. here's what I wrote Rob I'm intended to do for it:

' I hope I can get the following done by the presentation next friday: Finish Lucy and the teddy completely for this scene, except splining, key poses for homie in this scene (no in betweens), no hair or cloth in this scene yet. Additionally I want some quicktime movies demonstrating the rig (how do u capture that anyway?), the test shots (with and without hair/pants), and I guess I'll show the animatic again. That's all I can do in a week (hopefully. Have to get cracking with the arms/puppet animation, I'm only 30% there). Then by next next wednesday (I think that's the begining of next month) I want to completely finish the scene and send it to Gavin (not splined yet), and begin thinking about the 2nd dream sequence... Don't know why I'm writing u this, I guess it's more for myself (don't get out much anymore :) ).'



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